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Marketing the Manuscript

I completed the major revision in my historical novel Down The River that the publisher was looking for. I had one of my writing colleagues, Bob, look at it and he had some very helpful comments plus dozens of typos. Using his advice and comments from the publisher trimmed the manuscript by about ten percent and really tuned up the language. I also tweaked the ending more to my liking (no one minded the way it was).

I contacted a literary agent who liked my sample chapters last summer and I offered her the manuscript. She said send the sample chapters again and I shipped those off this morning. I also sent sample chapters to a publisher in Chicago who seems to do my kind of stuff. So the process of shopping the story starts again.

What’s funny about the revision process is that after I finished my major revisions and caught scads of typos, I went back and looked at what Bob marked. I missed almost every one of those!

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