About everything I can get my WiFi around. The Kindle Santa brought me has transformed my lierary life. I have purchased and downloaded a dozen or more books and have many more waiting in my wish list as soon as I get through this “stack.” I have adopted the practice of having one work of fiction and one of non-fiction underway at a time. Since they are all in one device I don’t need to keep track of two physical books and once done, I don’t have books to store and dispose of. A collection of books is nice, but they just sit there and take up important real estate in my new downsized lifestyle. If a book doesn’t please me I can archive it and it doesn’t sit on a shelf nagging me.
Currently I am reading Ken Follett’s A Dangerous Fortune and Ron Chernow’s Washington: A Life (900 pages in hard copy). Below is my list of eBooks completed:
Agincourt by Bernard Cornwell Atlantic: Great Sea Battles, Heroic Discoveries, Titanic Storms, and a Vast Ocean of a Million Stories by Simon Winchester Dark Star: A Novel by Alan Furst Flying Tigers: Claire Chennault and the American Volunteer Group by Dan Ford Three Stations by Martin Cruz Smith
I also have the complete works of Jack London and have treated myself to some of his short stories. London gets some credit for the origins of the short story appearing in magazines. We don’t see many of this genre anymore with the demise of weeklies like The Saturday Evening Post and Colliers. Kindle is offering short works that I have yet to check out. The London collection is free.
I think this eBook thing is here to stay. I don’t see it replacing paper books and it very well could increase general readership. I know the Kindle has helped reintroduce me to some old favorites.