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The Lost Cause

The tragedy in Charlottesville and ensuing cacophony has inspired me to offer my perspective of the history involved. The monuments in...

Online discourse

I am being charitable in the term discourse. Recently I added a comment to a Youtube file, the audio of fire department radio...

Complete Sentences

In the cacophony that is the presidential campaign I have not seen any discussion how candidate Trump seems unable to formulate complete...

The American Revolution

We recently observed the 150th anniversary of the 13th Amendment, the ban on slavery. Slavery—involuntary servitude, bonded servitude,...


The continuing and tragedy of questionable police shootings has generated much noise and consumed many hours of cable TV news bandwidth....


The aftermath of the tragedy in Charleston has triggered a lively and not always civil discussion on the action in South Carolina to...

Police Killings…

…or media-speak, “officer-involved shootings.” But these don’t include choking, taser, or blunt force trauma deaths. In any event, deaths...

Bengazi Thing

Congressman Adam Schiff (D., California) has been named by minority leader Pelosi to participate in the most recent inquiry into the...

Storm in the Desert

I note with some concern a series of stories about the Nevada rancher locked in a struggle with the U.S. Government over his payments for...

Crimea and Czechoslovakia

The crisis in Ukraine over Crimea has launched news producers into warp drive to find analysts, commenters, commentators, talking heads,...


I am experimenting with Twitter. I don’t have a particular need for tweeting, but I felt compelled to learn more after an emergency in...

Gun Debate

I am disappointed at the noise about the role of guns in the recent tragedies in Connecticut, Colorado, and here in Seattle. I am one...


The recent demise of Osama Bin Laden has caused many to declare that justice has been done. Even the president says this. Calling the...

Captain – Not

More silliness. Although I will grant the U.S. Navy absolute discretion in who they appoint as captains of their warships I wonder if the...

Another video lynching

In the aftermath of the tragic death of Oscar Grant at the hands of a Bay Area Rapid Transit policeman on New Year’s 2009, Officer...

Deficit cutting

What a boring topic amid a week of news about presidential trips abroad, the GOP taking over the House, and, as always, the pundits...

Blog: Blog2
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