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Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon was born 100 years ago. This anniversary probably popped up on “on this day” web sites and journalists paid by the number...

Gun Debate

I am disappointed at the noise about the role of guns in the recent tragedies in Connecticut, Colorado, and here in Seattle. I am one...


Yes, an entire year since the last post. Not that I haven’t had anything to write, I just haven’t written it here. Here’s hoping I do...

Don’t Settle?

The unfortunate passing of Steve Jobs has highlighted his accomplishments and his vision. But one bit of of his wisdom might require some...

Another Voice

I recently published, via’s print-on-demand program Create Space, my historical novel Down The River. The story grew out of my...


The recent demise of Osama Bin Laden has caused many to declare that justice has been done. Even the president says this. Calling the...


My novel Down The River is now available through A Kindle version will also be available soon. Buy it. Read it. Review it....

What are you reading?

About everything I can get my WiFi around. The Kindle Santa brought me has transformed my lierary life. I have purchased and downloaded a...

Captain – Not

More silliness. Although I will grant the U.S. Navy absolute discretion in who they appoint as captains of their warships I wonder if the...

PC Huckleberry Finn

The news item about a publisher cleaning up Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn to eliminate references to “the N-word” is both laughable and...

Another video lynching

In the aftermath of the tragic death of Oscar Grant at the hands of a Bay Area Rapid Transit policeman on New Year’s 2009, Officer...

Deficit cutting

What a boring topic amid a week of news about presidential trips abroad, the GOP taking over the House, and, as always, the pundits...

Political Coverage

I may be in a tiny minority, but I just don’t accept what is being reported and analyzed about the outcome of the midterm elections. I...

Publishing Update

The two books I did with the late Walt Crowley several years ago are now available through University of Washington Press. Power For The...

On the air

Hot on the heels of the radio interview I appeared on KCTS Channel 9, our local PBS station. They are having a pledge drive and aired the...

KUOW Presents

Today I was interviewed on KUOW FM 94.9. The segment is twelve minutes condensed from an hour conversation with producer Dave Beck. The...

Blog: Blog2
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